Diet Means Your Manner of Living

Learn how to change from within using hypnosis, meditation and coaching.

The Nirvana Diet is “a diet for the mind” based on the wisdom of the Eightfold Path. This program can help you to live your life differently, go from right understanding to right living.. In many cases, being overweight is a really a symptom for something else.

If you want to successfully lose weight, you can’t just treat the “symptom” and train your brain to think like a thinner person.

This way of thinking can absolutely come naturally to you, wherever you are right now.

Sign up for this eight week program that includes guided hypnotic meditations and a step by step approach to help you change from within.

Meet the new habits you’ll use to train your mind and change your life… So, you lose weight, permanently and naturally.


Thinner from Within

Become Thinner from Within!

I strongly recommend The Nirvana Diet as a sound approach to nutrition, exercise, lifestyle management, and learning how to be happy, that breaks people from their slavery to excessive consumption and helps them to life in a sustainable, reasonable manner, for their health and wellbeing as well as that of the larger society.

  • Dr. Lewis Mehl Madrona M.D., PhD

Think Thinner

Make your new habits your manner of living!

Sign up for one on one coaching to augment your program.


the difference between hunger and appetite.

Learn How to Think Thinner

The Nirvana Diet helps people think and behave as a thinner, ‘lighter’ person and make peace with the internal voices that lead people to overeat. Skyler helps people reduce their attachment to non-nutritive associations with food including the gnawing feeling of wanted more than is needed. I strongly recommend The Nirvana Diet as a sound approach to lifestyle management that helps people to life in sustainably reasonable manner for their health and wellbeing. Dr. Lewis Mehl Madrona M.D., PhD.